

シャーロック・ホームズ:ボヘミアの醜聞で英語学習 No.6




「そうだろうね、」彼は答えた、火をつけながら、ア、タバコ、そして、かがめながら、彼自身、下に、中に至る、 アン 肘掛椅子。
“Quite so,” he answered, lighting a cigarette, and throwing himself down into an armchair.


「君は見ている、しかし、君は観察していない。 その違い、状態、明白。 例えば、君は頻繁に見ている、the 階段、その階段は、つながっている、起点 the 玄関、至る この部屋。」
“You see, but you do not observe. The distinction is clear. For example, you have frequently seen the steps which lead up from the hall to this room.”



“How often?”

“Well, some hundreds of times.”

“Then how many are there?”

“How many? I don’t know.”


「そういう事だよ! 君は観察していない。 それでも、君は見てはいる。 そのこと、状態、まさに僕の指摘する点。
“Quite so! You have not observed. And yet you have seen. That is just my point.


Now, I know that there are seventeen steps, because I have both seen and observed.


ところで、以前から、君は興味がある、中、こういう小さい問題、それと次の理由で、君は十分によい、至る 記録した、1つか2つ、部分 僕のつまらない体験、、君は興味があるかもしれない、中、これ。」
By-the-way, since you are interested in these little problems, and since you are good enough to chronicle one or two of my trifling experiences, you may be interested in this.”


彼はサッと差し出した、1枚、部分、厚めでピンクがかった便箋、その便箋は横たわっていた、開いて、接触、 the テーブル。
He threw over a sheet of thick, pink-tinted note-paper which had been lying open upon the table.


「それは届いた、寄って the 直近の郵便、」言った、彼が。 「読んでみてくれ、それを、声に出して。」
“It came by the last post,” said he. “Read it aloud.”


その手紙、状態だった、日付無し、そして 無し、どちらも、署名も住所も。
The note was undated, and without either signature or address.


「取り敢えず、訪問します、あなたを、今夜、所、ア、四分の一、至る 8時、」と書いてあり、「ア、紳士、その紳士は、望んでいる、至る 助言を求める、あなたに、接触、ア、やっかいなこと、部分 the とても深刻で緊急。
“There will call upon you to-night, at a quarter to eight o’clock,” it said, “a gentleman who desires to consult you upon a matter of the very deepest moment.


あなたの最近の仕事、至る 一つ 部分 the 王室、部分 ヨーロッパ、示している、次のこと、あなたは、状態、第一任者、そのあなたは、たぶん安心して信頼される、共に 仕事ぶり、その仕事ぶり、状態、部分 アン 重要性、その重要性は、ほとんどできない、誇張されること。
Your recent services to one of the royal houses of Europe have shown that you are one who may safely be trusted with matters which are of an importance which can hardly be exaggerated.


この評価、部分、あなたの、わたしたちは受け取っている、起点 あらゆる方面。
This account of you we have from all quarters received.


Be in your chamber then at that hour, and do not take it amiss if your visitor wear a mask.”


“This is indeed a mystery,” I remarked. “What do you imagine that it means?”



“Quite so,” he answered, lighting a cigarette, and throwing himself down into an armchair. “You see, but you do not observe. The distinction is clear. For example, you have frequently seen the steps which lead up from the hall to this room.”
“How often?”
“Well, some hundreds of times.”
“Then how many are there?”
“How many? I don’t know.”
“Quite so! You have not observed. And yet you have seen. That is just my point. Now, I know that there are seventeen steps, because I have both seen and observed. By-the-way, since you are interested in these little problems, and since you are good enough to chronicle one or two of my trifling experiences, you may be interested in this.” He threw over a sheet of thick, pink-tinted note-paper which had been lying open upon the table. “It came by the last post,” said he. “Read it aloud.”
The note was undated, and without either signature or address.
“There will call upon you to-night, at a quarter to eight o’clock,” it said, “a gentleman who desires to consult you upon a matter of the very deepest moment. Your recent services to one of the royal houses of Europe have shown that you are one who may safely be trusted with matters which are of an importance which can hardly be exaggerated. This account of you we have from all quarters received. Be in your chamber then at that hour, and do not take it amiss if your visitor wear a mask.”
“This is indeed a mystery,” I remarked. “What do you imagine that it means?”


